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8 posts tagged with "docker"

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· One min read
Xiaohai Huang

In this guide, we'll configure Caddy to serve as a reverse proxy for Minio, an object storage server. This setup will allow you to access the Minio console and the object storage service through Caddy.

Caddy Configuration {
redir /minio-console /minio-console/
handle_path /minio-console/* {
reverse_proxy my-minio-server:9001

handle_path /* {
reverse_proxy my-minio-server:9000

You can remove the redir line if the Minio container specifies the console path as /minio-console/ (the trailing slash is needed)


With this configuration, Caddy will route traffic to the appropriate Minio services, making it easy to manage your object storage setup.

· 2 min read
Xiaohai Huang

This documentation covers the minimum settings required to configure NGINX to proxy requests to MinIO.

Given domain

  • Proxy requests to to the MinIO S3 API server listening on http://my-minio-server:9000
  • Proxy requests to the subpath (/minio-console) of the domain to the MinIO Web Console listening on http://my-minio-server:9001

· 2 min read
Xiaohai Huang

The ENTRYPOINT specifies a command that will always be executed when the container starts.

The CMD specifies arguments that will be fed to the ENTRYPOINT.

  • ENTRYPOINT can also be overridden using --entrypoint flag
  • CMD will be overridden when running the container with alternative arguments (e.g. bash).

· One min read
Xiaohai Huang

Just a simple command

docker run -itd --restart always --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
-p 1194:1194/udp -p 7070:8080/tcp \
-e HOST_ADDR=$(curl -s \
-v openvpn_conf:/opt/Dockovpn_data \
--name dockovpn alekslitvinenk/openvpn

Then download the config file from the http://<public-ip>:7070 and then import the config file (client.ovpn) to the vpn client.
