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Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

Hierarchical clustering is a method used when we do not know "K". It builds a tree (dendrogram) that captured the distance between all points. We can then 'truncate' that tree at a level of our choosing, to get clusters.

HAC Process

We start from

  • Every point is its own cluster
  • Calculate the distance (default: Euclidean) between every cluster

Then we

  • Merge the two closest clusters
  • Update distance based on some criteria (linkage method)
  • Repeat until we have only one cluster, i.e. all points are grouped together

StatQuest: Hierarchical Clustering

Linkage Methods

Here are three linkage methods:

  1. Maximum (complete)
  2. Minimum (single)
  3. Average

All linkage methods are used to create clustering tree-diagrams, known as dendrograms.


The choice of linkage can have a great impact on the clustering result.

Linkage Methods: Complete

It is also known as farthest neighbor linkage.

The distance between two clusters is defined as the longest distance between two points in each cluster.


Three clusters: [(1), (4), (20)]

  1. Assign (1) and (4) to the same cluster.
  2. Calculate the distance between cluster [(1), (4)] and [(20)]
    • According to the farthest neighbor linkage, d=20-1

Linkage Methods: Single

It is also known as nearest neighbor linkage.

The distance between two clusters is defined as the smallest distance between two points in each cluster.

complete vs single

Linkage Methods: Average

The distance between two clusters is defined as the average distance between each point in one cluster to every point in the other cluster.


The height of the dendrogram indicates the order in which clusters are formed in HAC.

The height of the join indicates how similar points are (i.e. the distance).


Dendrogram to Clusters

We can obtain clusters by doing either:

  • Truncate the dendrogram at a given number of clusters.
  • Truncate the dendrogram at a threshold.

Use prior knowledge to determine these parameters.

Drawbacks and Limitations

Advantage: easy to implement.


  • Linkage methods can be sensitive to outliers.
  • The computation can take a long time to process.
  • Cannot easily add a new point to HAC.
  • Clustering in HAC cannot be undone.
