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Simple Linear Regression


Often we want to find a relationship between two variables to:

  • Predict behavior
  • Explore relationships

The simplest way to achieve this is to assume a linear relationship



  • Predictors are independent (not correlated)
  • Residuals form a gaussian/normal distribution (bell curve)

On a qq-plot, that means they should form a straight line, for a histogram it means we should see a normal (bell) curve.

# plot qq-plot

qq-plot straight line

# plot histogram
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8, 8])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.hist(model.resid, 20)


y=β0+β1xy = \beta_0 +\beta_{1}x

offset + coefficient x variable

Minimize the Error

Try my best to estimate β0\beta_0 and β1\beta_1 given a set of observations, y=(y1,,yn)y = (y_1,\ldots,y_n) and x=(x1,,xn)x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n), so they can give the best yy given xx


In practice, our data is rarely on a straight line

linear regression example

Point ii in our regression line is given by

yi=mxi+c+ϵiy_i = mx_i + c +\epsilon_i

yi^\hat{y_i} is the predicted value, yiy_i is the ground truth (observed) value. The difference between yi^\hat{y_i} and yiy_i is called the error (residual) ~ ϵi\epsilon_i. We assume the residual is normally distributed around 0

The goal is to find the values of cc and mm that minimize the sum of the square of the errors

i=1nϵi2=i=1n(yiyi^)2=i=1n(yi(mxi+c))2\sum^n_{i=1}\epsilon_i^2=\sum^n_{i=1}(y_i-\hat{y_i})^2=\sum^n_{i=1}(y_i - (mx_i + c))^2

how is this done


Minimum requirement: the number of training samples should be much larger than the number of terms we are trying to estimate.


Definition: It describes the degree (ranges from -1 ~ 1) that two variables move in coordination with one another. If two variables move in the same direction, then those variables are said to have a positive correlation. If they move in opposite directions, then they have a negative correlation. It controls the strength and direction of the relationship.

Covariance=(xxˉ)(yyˉ)n1Covariance = \frac{\sum (x- \bar{x})(y - \bar{y})}{n-1}
Correlation=Covariance(x,y)Variance(x)Variance(y)Correlation = \frac{Covariance(x, y)}{\sqrt{Variance(x)\sqrt{Variance(y)}}}

We can quantify the strength of the relationship with correlation. The sign (+/-) represents the direction of the relationship.

  • -1, as one value increases the other decreases
  • 0, no linear relationship, statically independent. It can still have other types of relationship.
  • +1, increase and decrease together

small correlation value large correlation value negative correlation value

all values


When the relationship cannot be represented with a straight line (linear relationship), correlation = 0.

zero correlation value


The correlation of a horizontal line is undefined. Because the variance is undefined or 0.

video sources:

  1. Covariance - a computational step stone for calculating correlation.
  2. Correlation


Why Do We Care?

  1. If there is a linear relationship, we want to make sure the x is correlated with the result y.
  2. Want our predictors to be uncorrelated with each other, since each predictor models a different aspect of the overall relationship. If they are correlated, we can end up with redundancy in the model.

Why do we want our predictors to be uncorrelated with each other?

In the "number of cyclists" case study, one of the linear regression model contains temp, and atemp as parameters, they are correlated, and thus the relationship between that variable and the response is (to some extent) captured twice in the model. That causes the p-value to be less important.