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Graph Algorithms

Many computational problems can be expressed in terms of graphs:

  • Finding optimal airline route.
  • Determining if a network is connected.
  • Determining if there is a deadlock between processes waiting for resources.
  • ...and many more

Generic Problems in Graph

  • Find a Spanning Tree.
  • Find a shortest path.
  • Find a cycle.
  • Visit every vertex in a graph by moving along edges (graph traversal).

Two generic methods for solving these problems.

  • Depth-First traversal (search)
  • Breadth-First traversal (search)

Breadth-First Traversal

Breadth-First Traversal process the vertices in a graph in the order of distance from some initial vertex.

  • Set D0={u}D_0 = \{u\} and process uu.
  • Set D1=D_1 = neighbors of uu, and process them.
  • Set D2=D_2 = neighbors of D1D_1 that we haven't seen before, and process them.
  • ... We may not bother to keep track of the sets DjD_j.

BFS tries to stay as close to uu as possible, only moving further away when we have visited everything close by.

Breadth-First Traversal in Python

The visualization of the graph can be found here.

def NS(V,E,S):
return {v for u in S for v in V if (u,v) in E}

def process(vertex):
print("processing:", vertex)

def bfs(V,E,u, process):
D_0 = {u}
V_unexplored = V - {u}
def bfsR(V, E, D_i):
V_unexplored = V - D_i
if len(V_unexplored) == 0:
D_new = NS(V_unexplored, E, D_i)

# process vertex
for v in D_new:

bfsR(V_unexplored, E, D_new)

bfsR(V_unexplored, E,D_0)

V = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}
E = {

bfs(V,E, "D", process)
processing: D
processing: E
processing: B
processing: C
processing: A

Uses of BFS

  • Build Spanning Tree
  • Find shortest path
  • Find cycles
  • Find connected components
  • Test if a graph is bipartite
  • Find maximum flows

Depth-First Traversal

DFS tries to go as far away from uu as possible, then backtracking when it cannot go any further.

Depth-First Traversal in Python

The visualization of the graph can be found here.

def dfs(V,E,u):
T = {u}
dfsR(V,E,u, T)

def dfsR(V,E,u,T):
print(u) # process vertex
if len(T) == len(V):
return T
N_u = N(V,E,u) - T # neighbors of u that not already seen
for v in N_u:
return T

def N(V,E,u):
return {v for v in V if (u,v) in E}

V = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}
E = {

Uses of DFS

  • Build Spanning Tree
  • Find cycle
  • Find connected components
  • Maze solving
  • Find a topological ordering

Important Examples

In a situation where we have to make multiple choices. We can construct a graph (tree).


In a maze, the set of vertices can be the "interesting" places.

  • Start, End
  • Places which we choose to go

We can use Depth-First Traversal to find a path from the start to the end.


In a game (chess, Rubik's Cube, etc.).

  • Vertex: the configuration of the game
  • Edge: legal move

Then BFT can be used to find the choices to make to get to a winning position as fast as possible.
