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  • A propositional function or predicate is a sentence that contains one or more variables.
  • A predicate becomes a proposition when the variables are substituted with specific values.

Parameters and Predicates

We can generalize propositions by allowing parameters.

Parameters allow us to talk generally about propositions that share a common form and meaning.

  • A(x)=x is a catA(x) = x\text{ is a cat}
  • B(x,y)=B(x,y) = xx times yy is 6.
  • C(x,y)=C(x,y) = x=y+1x = y + 1

Predicate versus Formula

What is the difference between parameters in predicates and letters in formulas?

  • A=¬(pq)A = \lnot (p \land q)

    The variables in this formula (pp, qq) stand for propositions (which must evaluate to true or false).

  • B(x)=x is a fishB(x) = x \text{ is a fish}

    Parameters (xx) in predicates can stand for anything (usually elements from a universe set).

Truth Values of Predicates

Before we can evaluate the truth value of a predicate we need to fill in the parameters with actual values. Once we have filled all variables in a predicate, we can consider it as a regular proposition and has a truth value.

  • Given A(x)=x2=1A(x) = x^2 =1. Then A(1)A(1) is true, but A(2)A(2) is false.
  • Given A(x)A(x) is "xx is a girl     \implies xx is my girlfriend". Then A(Dan)A(\text{Dan}) is true, but A(RandomFemale)A(\text{RandomFemale}) is false.

Given A(x)A(x) is "If xx is human then xx is mortal". We might be tempted to say that A(x)A(x) is true, but we cannot because we haven't fille in xx yet.

Logic with Predicates

Logical Equivalence with Predicates

All equivalences for Boolean formulas can be used for predicates.

  • ¬(xp(x))x¬p(x)\lnot (\forall x \, p(x)) \equiv \exists x \, \lnot p(x)
  • ¬(xp(x))x¬p(x)\lnot (\exists x \, p(x)) \equiv \forall x \, \lnot p(x)
  • x(p(x)q(x))(xp(x))(xq(x))\forall x \, (p(x) \land q(x)) \equiv (\forall x \, p(x)) \land (\forall x \, q(x))
  • x(p(x)q(x))(xp(x))(xq(x))\exists x \, (p(x) \lor q(x)) \equiv (\exists x \, p(x)) \lor (\exist x \, q(x))

Logical Implication with Predicates

Logical implications for predicates.

  • All logical implications for formulas still work. read more
  • (xSp(x))(yS)p(y)(\forall x \in S \, p(x)) \land (y \in S) \models p(y)
  • p(x)(xS)ySp(y)p(x) \land (x \in S) \models \exists y \in S \, p(y)
  • (xSp(x))(S)ySp(y)(\forall x \in S \, p(x)) \land (S \not = \empty) \models \exists y \in S \, p(y)

Expressing Problems as Predicates

  • x is prime = ¬(x,zN((yz=x)(y1)(z1)))\lnot ( \exists x,z \in \mathbb{N} \, ( (yz = x) \land (y \not = 1) \land (z \not = 1) ) )
  • The above predicate is equivalent to this y,zN((yzx)(y=1)(z=1))\forall y,z \in \mathbb{N} \, ((yz \not = x) \lor (y = 1) \lor (z = 1))
