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A connected graph without any cycles is called a tree.

  • A tree always has V1|V| - 1 edges.
  • There is always a unique path between any two vertices in a tree.

A graph (not necessarily connected) without any cycles is called a forest. In such graph, each connected graph is a tree.

Rooted Trees

In a tree we can specify a special vertex, called the root. Any vertex can be the root.


rooted tree

The root is chosen to be AA.

  • BsB's ancestors is just AA.
  • DsD's ancestors are BB and AA.
  • AsA's children are CC and BB.
  • BsB's descendants are EE and DD.
  • The leaves are CC, EE, and DD.


The parent of a vertex is the first vertex in the unique path to the root.

We call the parent of v, P(v)P(v)


The root has no parent.


The ancestors of a vertex are its parent and its parent's parent, etc. All the way to the root.

We call the set of ancestors of a vertex v, A(v)A(v).

  • If v is the root, then A(v)=A(v)=\empty
  • If v is not the root, then A(v)={P(v)}A(P(v))A(v)=\{P(v)\} \cup A(P(v))


The children of a vertex are all its neighbors except its parent.


The descendants of a vertex is all its children, all its children's children, etc.

We call the set of children of a vertex v, C(v)C(v) and the set of descendants D(v)D(v).

  • If the vertex is the root then C(v)=NG(v)C(v)=N_G(v), otherwise C(v)=NG(v)P(v)C(v)=N_G(v) \setminus P(v)
  • The descendants are given by:
    D(v)=C(v)uC(v)D(u)D(v) = C(v) \cup_{u \in C(v)} D(u)

Why is there no base case?

It exists, it just built in to the notation. If C(v)=C(v)=\empty then the big union will disappear.


A vertex without children is called a leaf.


Induced Subgraph


Spanning Tree

Use Cases

  • In networking, we often identiy a spanning tree of the network and only send packets along the edge of the spanning tree. This prevents packets from going around the network in a cycle.
  • The graph of the shortest paths from a vertex will form a rooted spanning tree.



  1. A built-in function that is implemented directly by the compiler, without any intermediate call to a library.
  2. An ability possessed by a character and not requiring any external equipment.
  1. Innate, inherent, inseparable from the thing itself, essential.
  2. (of a body part) Situated, produced, secreted in, or coming from inside an organ, tissue, muscle or member.


  1. One who is the progeny of a specified person, at any distance of time or through any number of generations.
  2. A thing that derives directly from a given precursor or source.
  3. A later evolutionary type.
  4. A language that is descended from another.
  5. A word or form in one language that is descended from a counterpart in an ancestor language.